Fall 2016, Math 810, Graduate Real Analysis
Course Information
This course introduces some topics in real analysis at the graduate level.
We will use the book by G. Folland, ``Real Analysis, modern techniques and their applications".
We tentatively plan to cover Chapter 1, 2, 3. If time permits, we will discuss some topics in Chapter 5 and 6.
Time: MWF 10:00 --- 10:50 AM
Location: Snow Hall 564
- Instructor: Shuanglin Shao
- Office: Snow Hall 615
- Email: slshao@ku.edu
- Office Hour: MWF: 2:00 --- 3:00 PM, or by appointment.
There will be take-home final in this course, which is due by Dec. 16, 2016. There are 10 homework assignments throughout the course.
- HW 1. (Due by 09/07/2016) Chapter 1. #1, #4, #5, #7, #10, #14.
- HW 2.(Due by 09/14/2016) Chapter 1. #17, #18, #24.
- HW 3.(Due by 09/28/2016) Chapter 1. #26, #29, #30,#31.
- HW 4.(Due by 10/12/2016) Chapter 2. #2,#3,#9,#11,#12,#14,#15.
- HW 5.(Due by 10/21/2016)Chapter 2. #19,#20,#21,#25,#32,#34,#40,#44.
- HW 6.(Due by 11/02/2016)Chapter 2. #46,#47,#48,#50.
- HW 7.(Due by 11/14/2016)Chapter 2. #53,#55,#59; Chapter 3. #2,#3.
- HW 8. (Due by 11/21/2016 ) Chapter 3. #8,#9,#13,#19,#20.
- HW 9.(Due by 12/02/2016) Chapter 6. #2(a)(d) in Theorem 6.8. #4,#5,#9,#10,#17.
- HW 10. (Due by 12/07/2016) Chapter 6. #28,#31,#32.
Take-Home Final
The exam is due by 12/16/2016. Books and notes are permitted. You can discuss it with your classmates. But you have to write it out in your own language.
Chapter 1. #10, #17,#26; Chapter 2. #15,#25,#50,#59; Chapter 3. #8. Chapter 6. #9,#32.